Friday, August 12, 2011

Cage III - Free Show

"The figure of Death presides over the front entrance of a carnival sideshow whose spectators watch performers undergo unspeakable degradations so grotesquely compelling that the spectators’ eyes become larger and larger until the spectators themselves are transformed into gigantic eyeballs in chairs, while on the other side of the sideshow tent the figure of Life uses a megaphone to invite fairgoers to an exhibition in which, if the fairgoers consent to undergo unspeakable degradations, they can witness ordinary persons gradually turn into gigantic eyeballs."


Tangled up in blue... said...

Wow! What is this stuff, Sherry?

Sherry Wasandi said...

An extract of an 18-page endnote in Infinite Jest.

I finally did muster up the courage to start reading it!

Tangled up in blue... said...

Oh damn! I really, really, really want to read it now, incredible stuff!

mgeek said...

My copy from flipkart arrived last week. Will read it now...

Sherry Wasandi said...

I may be reading at a snail's pace, but the book is insanely absorbing. Both of you would enjoy it, I'm sure!