Friday, August 13, 2010

A Point Made?

The Funniest.
Randall Munroe, is still my hero.


Soin said...

the image apart, sit is

Sherry Wasandi said...

"sit is range"?

Is there any particular explanation behind your trademark style of communicating most ineffectually?

Soin said...

i meant the web site to which you linked is good.something so. e was missed and could have

Sherry Wasandi said...

I see.
And "range", is an adjective?

Soin said...

tanglish isnt that technical. range implies very good. might have something to do with the bullet's range. dont ask such quostins. why do we call man as man?

Tangled up in blue... said...

My roommate threw me a most alarmed look after I burst into peals of rather unladylike laughter. This image is incredible! :D I am copying and saving it.

Funny, totally!

Tangled up in blue... said...

and there's a link!

Sherry Wasandi said...

@soin: What can I say? I like dissections and technicalities!

@Tangled up in blue: :) It is, right?
Munroe, makes good stuff happen.

Antara said...

You're my hero.

Sherry Wasandi said...

@Anty: In that case, we should meet. ;)