Thursday, April 22, 2010

Universally Speaking.

People never change. Ever.
Circumstances only cause them to highlight, sharpen, and play out certain aspects of their being more than the others, at different points in time. If you take to observing people closely enough, they'll never surprise you.

Life, on the other hand, is far more complex than that.


Param Saraf said...

A universal Blah........

Antara said...

That's true. Did anyway get on your bad side lately?

Leo said...

Cynics never get surprised you know

Unknown said...

Seconded. Not just by reflection but by experience.
And the post title could not be more apt.


Perhaps the best way 2 b happy is to understand neither.. people never change whereas life does every second... The deepler we entangle ourslvs..the more we feel like deer caught in headlights !

nice post though .........


nishi said...

right!!! nicely worded

JD said...

One of your vaguer succinct posts!

Good stuff!

Madhur Bhatia said...

Food for thought.

Clezevra said...

C'est vrai.
Moreover, a la Jane Marple, people are of certain kinds. Study a few and you know the rest.

mgeek said...

A friend of mine keeps saying that people are more like a process than an event. There's no constancy. :-)

Sherry Wasandi said...

Arzaletta: Gah.

@Anty: ? If that didn't happen on any given day, it would be something very unusual. VERY out of the ordinary.

Sherry Wasandi said...

@Leo: I'm not surprised you pointed that out.

Anything substantial I write/think ends up being centered around that very idea.

@Priyanka: We could be mind-twins, you know.

Sherry Wasandi said...

@Mayank: Entangling yourself does equal living more of a life.

Thanks for visiting.

@Nishi: Thank you.

Sherry Wasandi said...

@JD: Vague and succinct together! I must be getting better at this...

@Madhur: ...and a train-wreck.

Sherry Wasandi said...

@Clezevra: I've been working with that theory for quite some time now. Have been accused of blatant stereotyping and a vindictively judgmental approach to people... have been mock persecuted for the same, but not once has anyone been able to explain to me why that's a bad thing to do. After supernumerary attempts, debates, discussions and cat-fights... not one.

@mgeek: I find it convenient to work on probability guidelines. And a vast majority of the general public, is painfully predictable.

An oddball in an ocean of generalities is always a treat. I live for such rare surprises, but otherwise, it's safer to assume convention.

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