One day, I will be the proud owner of a staggeringly humongous canine. I'm talking Irish Wolf Hounds and Pitbulls here. A FEROCIOUS, mean, fear-inspiring beast. And I will name it something like Fluffy, or Snowflake, or Honey-puff pooch-muffin.
I have a decidedly cooky sense of humor. Also, I pull mean jokes on people.
You are a lot like my sister, Betty. She told me once, when I was about 7, that I was an adopted martian. Yes, I fell for it, but hey, she made it sound very convincing. She told me exactly which locale my real parents live in.
Try this- put on crazy nail-enamel (violent magenta, blingy aqua) and dare people to comment.
Better- try it on the one who thinks you are a witch.
How does Pookie sound? :D
@Kirra Serra: Haha! You have one cool sibling! Did you find yourself drawing comparisons with Marvin? :)
I've tried worse things, I'm afraid. Much, much worse. Sadly, I scare too many people off. A comment would be too much to expect of them. Nervous quips would have to do.
@Anty: Almost there! But just a tad less poufy-pink than... Tinkerbell?
Pom-Pom. Cottonpuff. Marshmallow Pie!
Wrt Marvin, as a matter of fact, I did.
Also, Tinkerbell is perfect!
Or maybe Fuddle-duddles!
Or you could own a teacup pig, and call it Behemoth.
Not joking et al! while reading the first few lines i thought u were talking about uday!.....i can seriously relate to this and many of us can, well explaining the fact 'we' all named a guy who almost fits the frightening description as 'sweety'! know who!
Genial fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
That's possibly the biggest crime against Human(Bovine)Rights. i.e. to adopt a pit-bull and name it "Honey" :-)
That's possibly the biggest crime against Human(Bovine)Rights. i.e. to adopt a pit-bull and name it "Honey" :-)
@Sugar Magnolia and Kirra Serra: You're giving me some ideas there! Let's just say, my children are going to HATE their whack-brained mother.
@Dhruva: Ahh yes! Behemoth or Mephistopheles. How apt.
@Inderjeet: I have the strong feeling that that little foot-in-mouth I made in the fine month of November, would forever be the bane of Uday's existence, and my lack of it!
Anyhow, thanks for visiting. Have a good time trolling around here. :)
@Anonymous: The "thanks" I will accept, the reasons... I fail to understand.
@mgeek: *khee khee khee* *snigger snigger*
@春天來嚕 : "Dude"???
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