Monday, February 23, 2009

Memoirs of an Almost-Techie.

The Pigeonhole Principle

"This principle states that if there are more pigeons than pigeon-holes, then there must be at least one pigeonhole with at least two pigeons in it."

The tome that transcribes the above mentioned illation, goes on to annotate the same with visually descriptive diagrams and mathematical proof, not to mention, study of possible corollaries. In excruciating detail.

My message to whoever decides upon what makes us "engineers" is:
1. What exactly are you trying to do?
2. Is this a world-wide conspiracy against bright minds?
3. This does not negate the deterioration of the human brain, caused by ceaselessly mulling over Quantum mechanics and the nuances of the Fourier transform.
4. You have a sadistic sense of humor.


weevil girl said...

is this for real?
is this really for real?

Sherry Wasandi said...

You bet.

Add to it, concepts like Schrodinger's cat, Einstein's space-time continuum twin paradox, the Copenhagen experiment,and a million other scientific hiccups!

And you thought I was kidding when I named this blog. Didn't ya? :-/

Deboleena said...

Ref. to Posts: Keep 'em coming! My almost-daily dose of non-stuffy intellectual caffeine. :|

Ref. to the Evil Self: I'm attempting to tread on the path of 'Self-Rediscovery and Upgradation' for the third time. Hopefully, I won't fall asleep midway this time.

Deboleena said...

Ugh. That was just *"To Evil Self"


Sherry Wasandi said...

*Another from-ear-to-ear grin*

I see your blog seems to reflect that as well.
:) Love it.

By all means, change is good! Good luck..